Author name: Jewels Athena

I’ve been on a spirit journey most of life. I was born in a small colonial New England town in America to a Greek Goddess of a mother and an all American wholesome father...


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis,


Welcome to Shine Your Light

Transformational lifestyle programs designed to sculpt and align your body and mind with healthy eating practices made easy, simple yet powerful yoga postures and series, and meditation & manifesting techniques that

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A small gallery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis,


A nice post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis,

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